b'From Our Supporting Sponsor . . . \x1f\x1f \x1fMETRO BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS, INC.Custom Publishing 17145 West Bluemound Road, #J-140 Brookfield, WI53005 262.796.0224Welcomeemail: info@discovermilwaukee.comwww.discovermilwaukee.com toPUBLISHER Milwaukee!Maribeth DelforgeEDITORDave Jensen ASSOCIATE EDITORBarbara Kurudza BUSINESS MANAGER & WEBSITE COORDINATORPamela CanonPartnering withGRAPHIC DESIGNPhilip Younkan expert, localPRINTING GMAR Ries Graphics Ltd.REALTOR isSOCIAL MEDIA 2/3 PageAdSierra Gardnermore importantA SPECIAL THANKS than ever before.MB Publications extends a special thank-you to our advertisers who have made this relocation guide possible. In addition, we would like to thank the many companies, organizations andIn fact, 90% of buyers would use their individuals who have supported Discover Milwaukee by providing valuable information,agent again or make a referral to others.photography, distribution and other types ofGoing online, you can find a house in an assistance. Thank you!area with the right number of bedrooms, Research, writing and editing services pro- but a REALTOR has the expertisevided by Independent Writers Inc., Greendale. necessary to guide you through the entire 2021real estate transaction process.By Metro Business Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced orWorking with a trusted and knowledgeabletransmitted in any form, by any means REALTOR not only saves home buyerselectronic, mechanical, photocopied or otherwisewithout written permission from Metro Businesstime, but also helps to take the stress out Publications, Inc. Discover Milwaukee is available in Courtney Stefaniaklimited quantities.of the process for you. 2021 GMAR ChairFor advertising information, or to order additional copies, contact: info@discovermilwaukee.comor 262.796.0224www.gmar.com'