b'MB-006 2020-21 Relo - Single Page_MB-706.qxd2/21/20219:08 PMPage 74MILWAUKEE COUNTYstucco homes near the University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeBrown Deer campus. All of these communities are defined by water. Shorewood, Whitefish Bay, Fox Point and Bayside are located onThink golf and youll think of Brown Deer, which is located just Lake Michigan, while River Hills straddles the Milwaukeenorth of Milwaukee and a short drive from downtown. The River. Milwaukee River and Brown Deer Park form the villages The average home prices in these communities range fromeastern border. A modern community located just west of the $300,000 to $830,000, with lakefront property values in theexclusive village of River Hills, it developed rapidly after World millions. All five villages feature a mixture of homesfromWar II and is home to a diverse mix of professional families. It is elegant, turn-of-the-century mansions to modest, newer homesalso a golfers haven, with no fewer than two country clubs and owned by young families. Residents can stroll through the quaintthe Brown Deer Golf Course, which is ranked one of the bestshops and restaurants located in the downtown areas ofpublic golf courses in the nation and used to be a regular stop on Shorewood and Whitefish Bay or relax in the peaceful solitudethe PGA tour. Its clubhouse is a designated historic site. of Fox Point, Bayside and River Hills, which have large MUNICIPALITYMedian IncomeTime to AirportMedian 2020 secluded lots. WebsitePopulation Miles to Downtown Home Sales Price Tax RateBROWN DEER$61,22530 minutes$164,500 browndeerwi.org12,24615 miles $28.08Schools: Brown DeerWest Allis/West Milwaukee With a population of nearly 60,000, West Allis ranks as one of the largest cities in Wisconsin. Once the home of the Allis-Chalmers farm equipment manufacturing empire, it has been a blue-collar town, but has witnessed a dramatic increase in home sales to young professionals. It is home to State Fair Park, which hosts the annual Wisconsin State Fair, and the Pettit National Ice Center. The city also boasts the regions largest Caf Hollander/Lowlands Group farmers market, which is held several times a week during the Wauwatosas quaint State Street has the ambience of a European village.summer months on National Avenue, west of 66th Street. West Milwaukee is a small, formerly industrial area that has been transformed into a residential and commercial community along WauwatosaSouth 43rd Street near American Family Field, home of the Wauwatosa is a white-collar community blessed with a healthyMilwaukee Brewers professional baseball team.mixture of upscale homes, office buildings, retail developmentsMUNICIPALITYMedian IncomeTime to AirportMedian 2020 WebsitePopulation Miles to Downtown Home Sales Price and the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center. One of theTax Rateearliest settlements in the area, it is ideally situated at the center WEST MILWAUKEE$35,15615 minutes$132,000 of the metropolitan area, providing convenient access to the4,124 5 miles $29.93westmilwaukee.org downtown and suburbs. Wauwatosa has two distinct commercialSchools: West Allis-West Milwaukeedistrictsthe quaint and historic downtown area located in the valley near N. 76th and W. State streets, which features specialtyWEST ALLIS$47,69920 minutes$181,000 shops and restaurants; and Mayfair Road, which is lined withci.west-allis.wi.us59,7805 miles $26.29office buildings and is home to Mayfair Mall, MilwaukeesSchools: West Allis-West Milwaukeelargest and most popular regional shopping center. The historic Washington Highlands has long been a sought-after residential location, but the city boasts many other charming subdivisions asSouthwest Suburbs well, all of which offer suburban living with close proximity toFranklin GreendaleGreenfieldHales Cornersdowntown Milwaukee. The southwestern suburbs of Franklin, Greendale, MUNICIPALITYMedian IncomeTime to AirportMedian 2020Greenfield and Hales Corners offer both urban and rural WebsitePopulation Miles to Downtown Home Sales Price Tax Rate living opportunities. They contain some of the countys busiest WAUWATOSA$74,92920 minutes$299,500commercial districts and some of the most beautiful parkland in wauwatosa.net48,314 5 miles $22.75 the county. Whitnall Park and the Root River Parkway, Schools: Wauwatosa which cut through southwestern Milwaukee County, offer acres 74 YOUR RELOCATION RESOURCE'