Private Schools
Strong Private Education
In addition to excellent public schools, the Milwaukee region is home to many privately run elementary and secondary schools. Many are faith-based, such as Marquette University High School, Catholic Memorial, Martin Luther, and Divine Savior Holy Angels, but several are not. University School of Milwaukee and University Lake School are not related, but both provide high quality education from pre-kindergarten through high school. University School is located on 123 acres in River Hills north of Milwaukee, while University Lake School is located in Hartland west of Milwaukee.
Other preparatory schools (pre-kindergarten through high school) are Brookfield Academy, located near Brookfield Road and Capital Avenue in Brookfield, and The Prairie School, which is located in northern Racine County. Lake Country’s non-denominational Christian Education Leadership Academy in Pewaukee serves students in 3K through 8th grade. Founded in 1884, St. John's Northwestern Academies is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory boarding and day school for grades 6-12. In addition, the five-county Milwaukee region offers a plethora of Montessori schools, both through the Milwaukee Public School System and as private options. For detailed information on a selection of private schools, including tuition, please see pages 33-34.
Marquette University High School
3401 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee
Grades 9 - 12 Catholic, all-male college-preparatory day school
No. of Students: 893
Students per teacher 11:1
% Attend College: 99%
Average ACT Score: 27.0
Telephone: (414) 933-7220
Website: www.muhs.edu
The Prairie School
4050 Lighthouse Drive, Wind Point
Preprimary through grade 12 independent college-preparatory day school
No. of Students: 624
Students per teacher 9:1
% Attend College: 100%
Average ACT Score: 31.0
Telephone: (262) 752-2500
Website: www.prairieschool.com
University School of Milwaukee
2100 W. Fairy Chasm Rd., River Hills
Prekindergarten (age 3) through grade 12 independent college-preparatory day school
No. of Students: 1,132
Students per teacher 10:1
% Attend College: 100%
Average ACT Score: 27
Telephone: (414) 540-3320
Website: www.usmk12.org
Faith-based Schools
The 5-county Milwaukee Region has a rich and diverse selection of faith-based educational offerings
Milwaukee has a rich history of education rooted in faith and values. From Fr. Martin Kundig establishing schools for Catholic boys and girls in the basement of St. Peter’s Church at Jefferson and E. State Street in 1842, six years before Wisconsin declared statehood. The rich tapestry of the region’s immigrant past and the area’s embrace of inclusion and diversity is reflected in a spectrum of faith-based educational communities from which to choose. Many, if not most, welcome applicants from all backgrounds, although in some cases restrictions do apply.
Catholic Schools in the area include those of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, as well as Seton Catholic Schools in Milwaukee and Siena Catholic Schools in Racine. There are also several independent Catholic schools, including Nativity Jesuit Academy (nativityjesuit.org), Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Milwaukee (cristoreymilwaukee.org), and St. Augustine Preparatory Academy (augprep.org).
Since 1956, St. Coletta Day School of Milwaukee has been a leader in serving students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities with compassion and care. Students of all backgrounds are welcomed to achieve their full academic and creative potential in a supportive environment rooted in Christian values. For more information on Catholic schools, see page 36.
There are a number of Baptist schools in the area, including Calvary Baptist School and Falls Baptist Academy in Menomonee Falls, and Badger State Baptist School in Oak Creek, an outreach of Faith Baptist Church.
Lutheran families have an extensive system of schools available, with both the Missouri and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran synods offering a large number of options, including early child development. For more information, please see page 35.
In addition, the Jewish community in Milwaukee provides a number of educational institutions for children. The Milwaukee Jewish Federation operates Milwaukee Jewish Day School (mjds.org) on the North Shore for students from kindergarten through 8th grade. Other schools include Bader Hillel Academy (baderhillel.org), Milwaukee’s original Jewish day school; Torah Academy of Milwaukee, a high school for young Jewish women; Wisconsin Institute for Torah Study, a high school for boys on a beautiful lakeside campus and one of the few yeshivas, or educational institutions, focused on the study of Rabbinic literature, for boys in the Midwest; and Yeshiva Elementary School, which is located in the heart of Milwaukee’s northwest side.
The Islamic Society of Milwaukee (ismonline.org) has three schools located at two sites on Milwaukee’s south side near Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport. Salam School (salamk12.org) serves students from kindergarten through 12th grade. Islamic families also attend Clara Mohammed School, as well as Guidance Academy in South Milwaukee.
The intertribal, American Indian students who attend the Indian Community School (ics-edu.org) represent over 40 Tribal Nations and are members of tribes or are of American Indian descent. The school, located on more than 178 wooded, prairie and wetland acres in Franklin, teaches four indigenous languages, while engendering “enduring cultural identity and critical thinking by weaving indigenous teachings with a distinguished learning environment.”
St. Sava Orthodox School in southwest Milwaukee is affiliated with the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, which reflects classical Byzantine architecture. The mosaics are replicas of those found in St. George Church in Oplenac, Serbia. The school teaches exemplary academics alongside Serbian heritage in the context of the Orthodox Christian faith.
The Milwaukee region also offers a wide selection of non-denominational and evangelical Christian schools for parents to consider when determining the most appropriate educational path for their children, including Grace Christian Academy (gcaschool.org) in West Allis, Christian Education Leadership Academy (CELA) in Pewaukee, Heritage Christian Schools in Brookfield and New Berlin, and Waukesha Christian Academy (waukeshachristianacademy.com).
Catholic Schools
For over 175 years, Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee have taught lifelong Christian values that enable students to become future leaders, faith-filled disciples and engaged citizens. In 85 elementary and 16 high schools throughout the 10-county area, Catholic school educators are rooted in the recognition that each student is a unique human being progressing through various stages of growth and development. Every day, nearly 27,000 students are encouraged to grow in mind, body and spirit – in safe, supportive environments.
To ensure that Catholic education is accessible and affordable to as many families as possible, the Archdiocese participates in three State of Wisconsin Parental School Choice programs. Seventy-three Catholic schools serve over 12,000 students, enabling parents to exercise this faith-based, academic option for their children. Activities inside and outside the classroom guide students to embrace a life grounded in the gospels and prayer, creating communities of love and service.
The fully accredited curriculum in Catholic schools adheres to all state and federal standards, with students exceeding the national average on standardized tests. In addition to individual schools, Seton Catholic Schools (setoncatholicschools.com), with 11 schools in Milwaukee County, and Siena Catholic Schools (sienacatholicschools.org), with six schools in Racine County, share resources to serve students from all faiths and backgrounds.
Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee
District Office: Archdiocese of Milwaukee, 5301 S. Lake Dr., St. Francis
85 elementary schools, 16 high schools
No. of Students: 26,948
Telephone: (414) 769-3300
Find a school at: www.archmil.org/schools
Lutheran Schools
Wisconsin has a large Lutheran population and two synods of The Lutheran Church — Missouri and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran — offer elementary, secondary and post-secondary education in southern Wisconsin. The South Wisconsin District of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod operates 75 preschools and early childcare centers, 54 elementary schools and eight high schools, six of which are located in the metro area: Milwaukee Lutheran High School, Racine Lutheran High School, Lake Country Lutheran High School (Hartland), Living Word Lutheran School (Jackson), Martin Luther High chool (Greendale) and the new Trinity Lutheran Classical High School (West Allis). The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) has four high schools in the area: Wisconsin Lutheran and Kingdom Prep (Wauwatosa), Shoreland (Kenosha) and Kettle Moraine (Jackson).
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
52 elementary schools, six high schools and 24 freestanding pre-schools and childcare centers in southern Wisconsin; District Office: 8100 W. Capitol Dr., Milwaukee 53222. Telephone: (414) 464-8100. Info: info@swd.lcms.org or www.swd.lcms.org
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)
393 elementary/early childhood schools, 28 high schools (synodwide); Synod Office: N16 W23377 Stone Ridge Drive, Waukesha 53188. Telephone: (414) 259-4354. Info: www.wels.net/serving-you/christian-life/education/lutheran-schools/
For More Information
A complete listing of school information and data is available in the current edition of Discover Milwaukee. Click on the "Order Copy Now" button to receive your free copy.
Making Schools Accessible
There are several programs designed to help students attend private schools and to help high school students transition to college. Following are brief descriptions of two major programs that are available.
Private School Choice Programs
Private School Choice Programs available to qualifying families include the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, the Racine Parental Choice Program and the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program. Participating schools receive a state aid payment for each eligible student.
Eligibility requirements vary but are typically based on student residence, income and prior year attendance. There is also an age requirement that must be met for K4, K5, and first grade. For application information, visit https://dpi.wi.gov/parental-education-options/choice-programs.
Special Needs Scholarships
The Special Needs Scholarship Program (SNSP) allows a student with a disability, who meets certain eligibility requirements, to receive a state-funded scholarship to attend a private school in Wisconsin that participates in the program. The school receives a state aid payment for each eligible student. For information, please visit: dpi.wi.gov/sms/ special-needs-scholarship/studentapplications